Friday, February 18, 2011

Wellness, Health, and Fitness

       Wellness is being in the best health as you can, take care of your body and your self. Don’t do anything that will really affect your body. Your wellness is a very important thing in your life, because that could make your life short or a very long happy life, but it all depends how you live your life. If you live your life above the influence then you would live a good life but if your not living a life above the influence then you might not have a good life then what if you do live the life above the influence.


         Your health is if your body is regular or if its not regular. Health really matters because say if you live a life with bad health then you are risking you life because you could end up having something serous and have a short time to live. But if you really choose right things for you and your body then you should not have any worries. But your health should always be in the best side ever and if you are in good health then you’ll always feel really good and have no problems in life.   


You also have to take care of your fitness. You don’t want to end up with obesity. Your fitness is one of the most important part in your life, you need to always exercise and go out and have fun playing a sport, running, or even walking. You need to be active because your body needs to be active in order to function the right way. By taking care of your fitness it will keep you in shape and you wont be lazy, fitness will always be good for you no matter what. So that’s why I always take care of my fitness I really enjoy playing basketball.


  1. OMG! your doing your job best friend!! :) yay! haha i really like this post and interesting pictures in the slide :)

  2. im proud of you best friend! nice presentation :)
